Anna Kiriliouk
À propos
In September 2018, I joined the Université de Namur as an assistant professor in Statistics, being affiliated with both the Faculty of Economics, Social sciences and Business Administration and the Department of Mathematics. Prior to that, I spent a year as an assistant professor in the Department of Econometrics of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and four years as a FRIA research fellow (PhD) at the Université catholique de Louvain.
My main research field is extreme value theory, with a focus on environmental applications, the development of statistical methodology for multivariate extremes, high-dimensional modelling, spatial extremes, and semi- and non-parametric inference. Recently, I've been particularly interested in topics related to the climate sciences, such as climate extreme event attribution and compound extremes.
Instituts de recherche
Centre de recherche
2016: PhD in Statistics (Université catholique de Louvain)
2012: Master in Statistics (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
2010: Bachelor in Mathematics (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
Advanced Quantitative Methods [EINGM105]
Mathématiques pour l'économie et la gestion 3 [ECGEB251]
Projet : diagnostic économique et sectoriel [ECGEB163]
Projet : diagnostic sectoriel [EIMIB114]
Projet : diagnostic sectoriel [EITGB116]
Statistique [ECGEB152]
Statistiques pour Sciences humaines I [EPICB154]
Advanced Quantitative Methods [EINGM105]
Mathématiques pour l'économie et la gestion 3 [ECGEB251]
Projet : diagnostic économique et sectoriel [ECGEB163]
Projet : diagnostic sectoriel [EIMIB114]
Projet : diagnostic sectoriel [EITGB116]
Statistique [ECGEB152]
Statistiques pour Sciences humaines I [EPICB154]
Advanced Quantitative Methods [EINGM105]
Mathématiques pour l'économie et la gestion 3 [ECGEB251]
Projet : diagnostic économique et sectoriel [ECGEB163]
Projet : diagnostic sectoriel [EIMIB114]
Projet : diagnostic sectoriel [EITGB116]
Statistique [ECGEB152]
Statistiques pour Sciences humaines I [EPICB154]
Statistiques pour Sciences humaines II [EPICB325]