Julie Masset
À propos
Julie Masset is a Lecturer in Marketing and Service Management and the international relations coordinator at the Faculty Economics Management Communication Politics (EMCP) at the University of Namur. She is a member of NADI-CeRCLe (Research Center in Marketing and Service Management) and of CCMS (Research Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy) which she co-directed from 2021 to 2023.
After completing her master degree in Business Engineering, she started as a teaching and research assistant at the University of Namur. She continued her PhD as an ICM fellow (Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada). She completed her PhD in Economics and Business Administration at the University of Namur and at the Intercollegiate Center for Management Science (ICM-CIM) in 2015. Her thesis explored the processes through which meanings are given to tourist objects (considered as special possessions) and how these meanings evolve through time and space. Taken together, her findings brought a holistic and dynamic perspective to the relationships between consumers and their special possessions.
She has been invited to teach at different Universities in Belgium (UCLouvain, UMons) and Business Schools in France (EDHEC Business School-Lille, Kedge Business School-Bordeaux).
Her research interests include consumer research, qualitative methods, videography, and leisure and tourism marketing. Her works have appeared in edited books and leading academic journals, including Journal of Business Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Leisure Studies.
Instituts de recherche
Centre de recherche
Domaines d'expertises
- Consumer research
- Qualitative methods
- Leisure and tourism marketing
- Videography
- PhD in Economics and Business Administration (UNamur, ICM)
- Master in Business Engineering (UNamur)
- Bachelor in Business Engineering (UNamur)
- 2019 The Outstanding Paper Award at the 8th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC) for "Very Chic, Voyage Privé...Too good to be true? An analysis of managers' and consumers' perceptions of online luxury tourism"
- 2017 The Judge's best videography award at the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference for "Tomorrowland Festival-A Heterotopia of Deviation"
- 2017 Best paper award at the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Conference-European Chapter (Paper "The transition of tourist souvenirs: From the holiday experience to everyday life")
- 2015 Outstanding Paper award in International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research (Paper "This is a piece of coral received from captain Bob": Meanings and functions of tourist souvenirs)
Managing the Servicescape - Introducing to the World of Services [ELMSM401]
Projet : innovation [EITGB315]
Projet : innovation [ECGEB367]
Projet : innovation [EIMIB313]
Managing the Servicescape - Introducing to the World of Services [ELMSM401]
Projet : innovation [ECGEB367]
Projet : innovation [EIMIB313]
Projet : innovation [EITGB315]
Management stratégique de projet 2 [EATMM241]
Projet : entrepreneuriat [EIMIB215]
Projet : innovation [ECGEB367]
Projet : innovation [EITGB315]
Recherche et développement 2 [EATMM232]