Actions de recherche concertée (ARC)

Promoteur porte-parole Université de Namur

Retrouvez tous les projets sur le site des projets ARC...

DénominationPorteur(s) UNamurCollaboration
AC-DC : ACiDo CatalysisAprile C.  / Co-Pr : Champagne B.



AUTOMATic : AUTOnomous MAnager for urban TrafficTuci E. / Co-Pr : Mauroy A., Colin J.-N.



CALM : Characterization of Extrasolar Systems with Machine LearningLibert A.-S. / Co-Pr : Frénay B.



DIVERCE : Does intraspecific variability modulate the impact of environmental changes on biodiversity and ecosystem function ?De Laender F.



Encapcelrapy : Differentiation and Encapsulation of β-like cells for the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes MellitusArnould T. / Co-Pr : Su B.-L.



EXO-Sugar-MAP : Mapping exo-glycals reactivity and biological applicationsVincent S. / Co-Pr : Berionni G.



PAChIDERM : Role of YkuD-domain-peptidases in assembly, maintenance and degradation of diderm bacteria’s envelope


De Bolle X.



PHOENIX : Artificial Intelligence for Cultural HeritageO. Deparis - F. Cecchet - J. Colaux - C. Flament - L. Houssiau - A. Mayer - N. Ruffini-Ronzani/
WeaM :Quantum weak measurements: theoretical foundations, experimental approach, philosophical and logical interpretationCaudano Y. / Co-Pr : Carletti T., Hespel B., Lambert D.



Promoteur porte-parole hors Université de Namur

DénominationPorteur(s) UNamurCollaboration
BRAINBRUSH : Towards the development of new, non-invasive diagnostic tools for neurodegenerative pathologiesDebacq-Chainiaux F.UCLouvain
DISRUPT : Towards the targeting of self-assembling proteins in drug designWouters J. / Co-Pr: Pochet L.UCLouvain/ULiège
IMAL : Imperfect Data: From Mathematical Foundations to Applications in Life SciencesVan Bever G.UCLouvain
MetaRad : Metabolic control of different responses of human cancer cells to X-ray and proton radiotherapyHeuskin A.-C.UCLouvain
OsTIUM : Ostia’s Transformations: Investigating an Urban ModelRichard J.UCLouvain
PALPITATION : The PlAtelet Lipidome, a Promising dIagnostic or TherApeuTIc OptioN for HFpEF patientsDouxfils J.UCLouvain
PROSEco : Platform Regulation and Operations in the Sharing EconomyToulemonde E.UCLouvain
RAINDROP : Cross-stack Adaptation for the Edgification of Microservices ApplicationsCleve A.UCLouvain
SURFASCOPE : Surface Enhanced Spectroscopy by Second-Principles CalculationsHenrard L. / Co-Pr : Liégeois V.UCLouvain
UNCAGED : Understanding Cage-Escape in Photo-induced Applications: A Joint Experimental and ComputationalY. OlivierUCLouvain

ADRE | Les conseillers financements

Financements FRS-FNRS, Fédéraux (Belspo, Brain, FED-tWIN), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (ARC), prix et fondations

Email : -  Tel +32(0)81 72 53 47

Financements Fonds structurels (FEDER, FSE, Interreg, FEAMP), Région wallonne et contrats de recherche entreprises

Email : - Tel +32(0)81 72 57 08


Financements Horizon Europe (ERC, MSCA et pilier 1), ESA-PRODEX

Email : - Tel +32(0)81 72 50 47

Financements Horizon Europe (piliers 2 et 3)

Email : - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 45

Financements Région wallonne Win4SpinOff et POC

Email : - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 39