Programmation 2021-2027


Programming 2021-2027

FundCluster Portfolio | ProjectPortorteur(s) UNamur
FEAMPThe rehabilitation of Atlantic salmon in the Mosan basin in the face of rising water temperatures in a context of climate change

P. Kestemont,

V. Cornet

FSE+FORMALTER_UCLOUVAIN (A000540) | Boosting sandwich courses in colleges and universities

O. Bernal,

J. Solbreux

FSE+Teachers' digital skills (A000635) | Training teachers in digital skillsJ. Henry
FSE+Evaluation, reinforcement and valorisation of skills (A000475) | Evaluation, reinforcement and valorisation of skills

J-Y. Gnabo,

J. Solbreux

FEDERMIRVALIS : Economic valorization of research resultsC. Culot
FEDER-FTJECODECO - Combined experimental/simulatory approach for coating decoating on metal substrateS. Lucas, E. Haye
Interreg France-Wallonie-VlaanderenCleanAirBouw - Air monitoring and depollution processes for healthier buildingsB-L. SU
Interreg France-Wallonie-VlaanderenORION - Modeling the dynamics of microbiological and ecotoxicological pressures in transboundary water bodies using active sentinel species monitoring and mathematical modelsP. Kestemont, A. Erraud, F. Nélis, A. Wilmet
Interreg Grande RégionCAPACITI: PartiCipation, plAce And power of ACtIon of children in the promotion of their rightsG. Mathieu

ADRE | Financing advisors

Fundings FRS-FNRS, Fédéraux (Belspo, Brain, FED-tWIN), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (ARC), prizes and foundations

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 47

Financing Structural Funds (ERDF, ESF, Interreg, FEAMP), Walloon Region and corporate research contracts

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 57 08

Horizon Europe funding (ERC, MSCA and Pillar 1), ESA-PRODEX

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 50 47

Horizon Europe funding (Pillars 2 and 3)

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 45

Win4SpinOff and POC Walloon Region funding

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 39