In 1831, when it was founded by the Jesuits, the University of Namur had... 2 students and taught only philosophy. Some 200 years later, it trains over 7,000 students of 63 different nationalities. These students work in 7 faculties and an interfaculty department: law, computer science, medicine, philosophy & literature, science, economics, social & management sciences, education and training sciences, as well as the School of Modern Languages.
While the numbers have changed a great deal, the spirit of our university remains: To pay particular attention to the self-fulfilment of its members and the sustainable development of society.
Key dates
The Compagnie de Jésus founds the Facultés universitaires de Notre-Dame de la Paix in Namur.
After a long road to legal recognition of degrees, the Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix are entitled to award degrees in their own name. The Faculties of Namur have the right to set up their own examination boards and enjoy complete autonomy for the following applications: Philosophy and Letters, Sciences and Natural and Medical Sciences.
Early in 1960
Father Camille Joset, together with the heads of the Facultés Saint-Louis in Brussels, won their case and, like full universities, both institutions received annual subsidies from the government. The various faculties and the campus undergo dazzling development. From then on, student numbers rise rapidly and continuously: 466 students in 1960, 4325 in 1990, 6819 in 2019.
The Faculties obtain the possibility of organizing graduate and postgraduate studies. A research potential is gradually built up. It will be recognized in particular by the award of three Francqui prizes, a prestigious Belgian scientific prize, to professors in the Faculty of Science, and by the creation of successful spin-offs.
The Parliament of the French Community of Belgium adopts the decree that promotes the integration of our University into the European Higher Education Area. From the start of the academic year in September 2005, first-generation students are welcomed into the new framework for university studies defined by the so-called "Bologna" European agreements.
The Faculties obtain the "HR Excellence in Research" label issued by the European Commission. This aims to promote and facilitate the mobility of researchers and their career development while optimizing collaborations between Europe and the world.
The Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix officially become the University of Namur.
The Université de Namur creates the Faculté des sciences de l'éducation et de la formation (FaSEF). It brings together researchers, coaches, trainers, psychopedagogues, didacticians and techno-pedagogues to promote pedagogical training and coaching, as well as research in educational sciences.
The international character of the Institution has also become more pronounced over time. On the one hand, through the provenance of students, especially post-graduate students, and, on the other, through the recruitment of faculty. A special effort is also being made to open up to the countries of the South. Faithful to its history marked by the humanist and Jesuit tradition, the University of Namur fulfills to the best of its ability the three missions proper to any university institution: teaching, research and service to the community.

It is our history that enables us today to enrich our present and look resolutely to the future. It was built by men and women, students and staff, professors and technicians, religious and lay people who believed in the project of the Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix (FUNDP).

Founding texts