Located in the heart of the Walloon capital, the University of Namur combines tradition and innovation to offer quality teaching and cutting-edge research. With a wide range of academic programs and a strong human dimension, the University of Namur prepares its students for a promising future.

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To join the University of Namur is to join a university on a human scale, of high quality, training the actors of tomorrow's world.



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IRDENA Study and Exchange Day - Committed Students, Living Knowledge: The New Educational Paradigm

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  • 18
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UNIVERSEH: General Meeting Namur

Corporate event
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7 faculties, at the heart of today's teaching and research.

Faculty of Computer Science

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Faculty of Law

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Faculty of Medicine

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Faculty of Philosophy and Letters

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Faculty of Science

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Faculty of Education and Training Sciences

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Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management

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11 research institutes, places for the development of interdisciplinarity for the benefit of knowledge.

DeFiPP Development Finance & Public Policies

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ESPHIN Espace philosophique de Namur

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IRDENa UNamur Institute for Research in Didactics and Education

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ILEE Institute of Life-Earth-Environment

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NaDI Namur Digital Institute

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naXys Namur Institute for Complex Systems

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NaLTT Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality

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NISM Namur Institute of Structured Matter

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Narilis Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences

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PaTHs Assets, transmissions, inheritances

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The University in figures

Research institutes
Year of creation