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Welcome to the UNamur newsroom! Discover our latest news here.
At the University of Namur, culture is an integral part of university life, offering students much more than a traditional learning environment. Thanks to a variety of workshops, artistic events, enriching conferences and emblematic venues such as Quai 22, the university promotes creativity, exchange and openness to the world. Set a course for UNamur's cultural riches, which will also be available for future students to discover, during the next Open Course Week, at the end of February.
First a student, then an assistant at the Faculty of Law, Manuela Cadelli has now been a judge at the Namur Court of First Instance for almost a quarter of a century, but she also finds the time and resources to get involved. Time for scientific collaboration, for example, since she is a member of the CRIDS (Centre de Recherche Information, Droit et Société) at UNamur, where she is interested in the role of artificial intelligence in the judge's decision-making process. Time, too, to fight battles. Fighting for a stronger, more supportive, fairer justice system. Through her books, her "cartes blanches" and her various mobilizations, she asserts her positions, making her one of the "voices" of the Belgian justice system. Deeply human, she is committed to respecting the rights of each and every individual. And the citizen pays her back in spades. In the "pas perdus" rooms of the Palais de Justice de Namur, where she welcomes us, not a minute goes by without someone coming up to greet her.
Expert en astrophysique, le Professeur André Fűzfa (Faculté des sciences, Institut Naxys) exploite aussi ses connaissances scientifiques pour faire voyager chacune et chacun dans le monde de l’imaginaire, grâce à la littérature. Retrouver Ganymède est son nouveau roman, cocréé avec l’illustrateur Fabrice Rasir, alumni du Département de mathématique. Un livre qui intègre des images générées par l’intelligence artificielle (IA). Le roman est donc un savant mélange d’IA graphique, de physique et de fiction qui permet de stimuler l’imaginaire tout en apportant une dimension instructive.