

Lieven Vandelanotte is associate professor of English linguistics at UNamur and research fellow in linguistics at KU Leuven. He is currently a Francqui Research Professor (2023-2026), and is the incoming president of the Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education.

In addition to over 40 journal articles or book chapters, he published, in 2009, the monograph Speech and Thought Representation in English: A Cognitive-Functional Approach (De Gruyter Mouton). A joint monograph with Barbara Dancygier entitled The Language of Memes: Patterns of Meaning across Image and Text is forthcoming (Cambridge UP, 2025).

He was the editor responsible for the areas of linguistics (2010-2019) and literature (2012-2019) of the journal English Text Construction (Benjamins), and has co-edited 10 books or journal special issues to date: 

Activities in professional service include presidency (2024- ) and, previously (as webmaster and as ETC representative), board membership (2006-2019) of the Belgian anglicists' association BAAHE. Conferences (co-)convened include BAAHE's conference (Namur, 2008), the 33rd ICAME conference (Leuven, 2012), and international workshops on Communicative Dynamism (Namur, 2016) and on Reviewing viewpoint (Namur, 2019).

At UNamur, admin activities to date include a term as Vice-Dean of Arts (2009-2013), membership of the university-wide Teaching (2013-2019) and Further Education (2016-2019) Committees, membership of the general assembly (2007-2017) of the development NGO FUCID, secretary of the admissions and examination jury (2016-2023), head of the Germanic languages and literatures department (2021-2024) and of the English Unit (2018- ), and member of the NaLTT institute steering board (2021- ). 

Research institutes

Research center

Unité d'anglais - Responsable - Membre

Domains of expertise

  • Viewpoint and multimodality
  • Speech and thought representation
  • The English noun phrase
  • Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification
  • Functional, cognitive and corpus linguistics
  • Cognitive poetics and linguistic approaches to literature

External responsibilities


  • PhD in Language and Literature: Germanic Languages, KU Leuven, March 2005
  • MA in Language and Literature: Germanic Languages (English and Dutch), KU Leuven, July 2000




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