

Employed for six years by the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Namur in Belgium, I have the dual role of teaching assistant and PhD student. This means that I conduct exercise sessions for students and simultaneously engage in fundamental research in the field of logic programming.

In addition to this full-time job, I enjoy spending my remaining time designing homemade escape games and writing. The games I create with my wife are based on small objects transformed into interactive puzzles. To achieve this, we combine programming, electronics, visual communication, and scriptwriting.


Research institutes


Domain of expertise

  • Logic programming
  • Static program analysis
  • Abstract interpretation
  • Syntax and semantics of programming languages
  • Algorithms and complexity
  • Functional programming
  • Web development

➡️ Summary of my published scientific papers

External responsabilities

  • Author of novels and short stories (see the dedicated website)
  • Creator of homemade escape games (in collaboration with some final-year bachelor's students)


  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (UNamur, 2015)
  • Certified advanced developer in the Symfony Web framework (SensioLabs, 2016)
  • Master's degree in Computer Science (UNamur, 2017)


  • Jean Fichefet Prize for the best master thesis from the Faculty of Computer Science, academic year 2016-2017

This person also has a profile on the UNamur research portal.

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