Learning outcomes

The new product development (NPD) course has various objectives: - Make students be acquaint with the vocabulary, the concepts and theories related to the new product development (NPD) management; - Familiarize students with the models and analytical procedures that are relevant to NPD issues; - Ultimately develop students' judgment and enable them to manage successfully the whole NPD process.


New products are crucial to successful growth and increased profits in many industries. This course considers the development of new products not only from a managerial standpoint but also from methodological and technical perspectives. It covers the NPD process from market opportunity identification and idea generation to test market and launch strategies. Qualitative (e.g., focus group) as well as quantitative (e.g., conjoint analysis) research methods that drives the design process are discussed and illustrated.

Table of contents

- Course objectives, outline and pedagogical issues; - Chapter 1: Introduction to new product development; - Chapter 2: New-Product Strategies; - Chapter 3: Proactive New-Product Development Process : Overview; - Chapter 4: Opportunity Identification : Market Definition; - Chapter 5: Opportunity Identification : Idea Generation; - Chapter 6: Overview of the Design Process & Introduction to Customer Measurement; - Chapter 7: The Design Process : Customers Needs & Needs Hierarchy-based Approaches; - Chapter 8: The Design Process : Customers Needs & Perceptual Mapping Approaches; - Chapter 9: The Design Process : Customers Needs & Conjoint Measurement Approaches ; - Chapter 10: The Design Process : The design output; - Chapter 11: Product and Advertising Testing; - Chapter 12: Pre-Test Market Procedures; - Chapter 13: Test Market Procedures; - Chapter 14: Launch and Control Strategies; - Project Presentation.


Each 4- to 5-student group is asked to produce an idea for a product or service worthy of a new business venture. The idea may consist of either a new physical product or a service. The steps in the process ought to include (where practical): - The new product genesis - Technical description - Market analyses - STP marketing process - Tactical marketing - Profitability analyses - Summary of issues addressed in the project and learning experience This project (report) is due at the end of the week preceding the last session. A formal oral presentation of the project is planned for the final class.

Assessment method

Grades will be computed as follows - Participation in class discussion: 20% (individual note) - Continuous project evaluation: 30% (individual note) - Project oral presentation: 10% (group note) - Project final report: 40% (group note)

Sources, references and any support material

The book: New Products Management, Merle Crawford and Anthony Di Benedetto. 2008 ,Ninith edition

Language of instruction
