The aim of this call for solidarity is to give a helping hand to students who are less fortunate financially, so that they have living conditions that enable them to study at UNamur without having to worry about material and financial matters on a daily basis.
The project
Student precariousness has always existed, but the forms of precariousness have multiplied and accentuated over time: financial precariousness, food precariousness, digital precariousness, menstrual precariousness or even precariousness in terms of access to physical or mental health care. The causes of this precariousness are also multiple: life accidents, insufficient parental income, lack of access to grants from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation due to limited conditions of access... Some students in precarious situations devote a large part of their energy to securing their living conditions by holding a series of jobs, and sacrifice their study time to work, jeopardizing their success. UNamur's Cellule Sociale deploys a number of schemes to remedy these situations: financial aid, a solidarity grocery store, help with the purchase of digital equipment, distribution of hygiene equipment...

The team
The Cellule sociale is made up of 4 social workers who support students in their difficulties and successes. The Cellule sociale is headed by Isabelle Mertens. It is part of the VÉCU Service headed by Vincent Gengler.
Your donations in action
Thanks to your donations, the Cellule sociale sets up concrete actions to help students in precarious situations. In particular, your support contributes to the Solidarithèque project, the university's social grocery store, which distributes hundreds of food baskets every year, and to actions to combat menstrual precariousness with the distribution of sanitary devices on campus.