The Fonds Namur Université enables private individuals, associations and companies to provide financial support for projects at the University of Namur. The funds raised go 100% back into the university community's projects, thanks to rigorous and transparent management.
The Fonds Namur Université came into being in 2013, when UNamur planned the creation of a new Faculty of Science and envisaged its co-financing with the help of private patronage. Since then, the Fonds Namur Université has acted as UNamur's interface for its fundraising campaign (patronage, donations, participatory financing, gifts, bequests and sponsorship). It enables the realization of numerous projects in the fields of research, teaching, solidarity and sustainable development.
Management and governance
The Fonds Namur Université is not a separate legal entity from UNamur. Its appeals for donations are therefore conducted by and for UNamur. The strategic, operational and financial management of the Fonds Namur Université is operated by the Fundraising Unit within the General Administrator's Department, in collaboration with Financial Services. Political governance of the Fonds Namur Université is provided by the Rector's Council.
Ethical principles
UNamur guarantees that donors' choices will be respected and that their donations will be put to good use. 100% of the amounts collected are transferred to the projects: UNamur does not deduct any PAFG from the donations and legacies collected. The Fonds Namur Université complies with an ethical charter validated by the UNamur Board of Directors, which guarantees its operation, the transparency of its action and the rigor of its management.

Communication and data management
Donors are regularly informed of the projects they have supported by post, e-mail or through the Fund's Newsletter. In compliance with the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the confidentiality of the processing of donors' private data is guaranteed by UNamur. Would you like to consult or modify your data? It's possible by simple request to