The fund was created thanks to the bequest of Mrs Christiane Jérôme, who wished to support UNamur's innovative initiatives in the three areas close to her heart: research in biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine and sustainable development.
Research in biomedical sciences
The members of UNamur's Department of Biomedical Sciences contribute to medical progress within 4 laboratories dedicated to the study of the molecular and cellular biology of cancer, intracellular trafficking, tissue development and regeneration, and genetics. The Fund has financed the purchase of several cutting-edge pieces of equipment needed to develop this research: digital PCR, microscope for cell culture, imaging system...
Veterinary medicine and animal welfare
At UNamur, the study of animal behavior and its relationship with man is part of the training program for future veterinarians from the 1st year of study within the Department of Veterinary Medicine. Claire Diederich, Professor of Ethology and Animal Welfare, is our university's specialist in this field. A European expert in animal welfare, legislation and ethics, she conducts research into the integration of animals (dogs, horses,
) into the environment.
Sustainable Development and Transition
Sustainability is part of UNamur's development policy. In particular, several eco-responsible initiatives have been brought to fruition to reinforce the sustainable nature of our campus. In particular, the Fonds Jérôme has contributed to the financing of 12 Campus Namur Durable (CaNDLE) projects between 2021 and 2024 in the fields of biodiversity, waste reduction and responsible consumption, water management, alternative modes of transport or