Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

Promoting an approach of excellence requires the creation of an environment favourable to research, to the training and career of researchers and to their mobility.


The ‘HR Strategy for Researchers’ supports research institutions and funding organisations in the implementation of the Charter & Code in their policies and practices.

The implementation of the Charter & Code principles by research institutions render them more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project. For more information, check the Euraxess website.

In 2012, the University of Namur has embarked on the process of obtaining this label issued by the European Commission (EC): "HR Excellence in Research".

Today, a researcher can submit an application for European or Walloon funding thanks to this label. 


Monitoring the process

Gap analysis (2012)

HRS4R action plan 2019-2022

Action Plan Euraxess 2021-2024

Action Plan HRS4R Strategy 2024-2027

Euraxess motion logo

Logo HR Excellence in research

Logo CoARA