Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to identify the relational and emotional factors at play in a learning situation from both the student's and the teacher's point of view. They will have questioned their teaching posture with regard to this facet of their profession and will have integrated it into their professional project.


To consider the dynamics of learning in a relational context
    Explain the links between learning and emotions and their implications for the teaching profession
    Identify theoretical frameworks specific to the relational and emotional dimensions of the profession
    Questioning the teaching posture with regard to the relational aspects of the teaching profession


The course is made up of 4 sessions of 2? hours of lessons and 5 hours of exercises. It will alternate :

    theoretical contributions on the pedagogical relationship and emotional skills
    critical reflections to help students assimilate the theoretical content
    analysis of teaching situations to raise awareness of professional postures
    practical exercises in the form of role-playing and field observations


Each student will be invited to observe experiments in the field. In particular, placement situations will be used to carry out these observations. These observations are an integral part of the course and will be debriefed.

Teaching methods

The teaching method is resolutely interactive. It will alternate between theoretical contributions designed to clarify the fundamental concepts, situational analyses, role-playing exercises and personal presentations and/or presentations in pairs.

Assessment method

Individual written work based on the gradual completion of a training diary marked out by questions.

Sources, references and any support material

Les supports de cours ainsi que les outils mobilisés seront mis à disposition des étudiants sur WEBCAMPUS.
Quelques ressources bibliographiques utiles : 
  • Virat, M. (2019). Quand les profs aiment les élèves : psychologie de la relation éducative.  Paris : Odile Jacob.
  • Goyette, N. et Martineau, S. (2020). Le bien-être enseignant : tensions entre espoirs et déceptions. PUQ
  • Genoud, P.A. (2003). Profil des interactions enseignant-élève: traduction, adaptation et validation d'un instrument. Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 32(3), 537-552.
  • Gaudreau, N., Trépanier, N. et Daigle, S. (2021). Le développement professionnel en milieu éducatif : des pratiques favorisant la réussite et le bien-être. PUQ.
  • Mikolajczak, M., Quoidbach, J., Kotsou, I., & Nelis, D. (2020). Les compétences émotionnelles. Dunod.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus Standard 0 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Chemistry Standard 0 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Economics : General Standard 0 2
Master in Mathematics, Teaching focus Standard 0 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Physics Standard 0 2
Master in Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Teaching focus Standard 0 2
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 0 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Mathematics Standard 0 2
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 0 2
Master in Management, Teaching focus Standard 0 2
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 0 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Biology Standard 0 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Management Standard 0 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Economics : General Standard 1 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Physics Standard 1 2
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 1 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Mathematics Standard 1 2
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 1 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Biology Standard 1 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Management Standard 1 2
Teaching qualification for upper secondary education - Chemistry Standard 1 2
Master in Mathematics, Teaching focus Standard 2 2
Master in Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Teaching focus Standard 2 2
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 2 2
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 2 2
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus Standard 2 2