Learning outcomes

The aims of the course are to :

  •     unravel the complex links between school and society
  •     analyse the current problems facing schools by placing them in their historical context
  •     analyse social inequalities in relation to schooling, how they arose and the pedagogical approaches that could be developed to reduce them
  •     consider the school as an organisation
  •     identify the various players in and around the school and classroom, and analyse their roles and functions
  •     understand certain social phenomena specific to school life.


See learning outcomes


The "School Education and Society" theory course comprises 40 hours divided into 30 hours of theory and 10 hours of exercises.

The theory course is divided into two parts.

The first part aims to describe, from a macro-sociological perspective, the relationship between school and society.  In particular, it will seek to answer the following questions: What are the functions of schools? What is its 'purpose'? What are the missions that society explicitly assigns to it? Have these missions and functions changed over time? What is the history and genesis of the school institution? What is its current structure? How does its 'dysfunction' compare with the hopes that society has placed in it? Why does society have doubts about its schools? Is today's school 'efficient', 'fair', 'meritocratic'? How can we decipher how it works and explain its 'dysfunctions'?

The second part adopts a micro-sociological perspective. It offers a description and analysis of the school as an organisation, the roles of the various players (teachers, pupils, headteachers, DCOs) and the relationships they establish between themselves. Certain social phenomena will be addressed, such as the school-family relationship from a sociology of education perspective.

Table of contents

  1.     History of schools in the West and in FWB
  2.     Social inequalities at school
  3.     Relationships of domination at school
  4.     The current missions of schools in FWB.
  5.     The school as an organisation
  6.     People who work within school
  7.     The school-family relationship


The work and/or field experiment to be carried out aims to deepen understanding of the actions of an educational player working around or within the school (organisations, non-profit organisations, associations, after-school services, CPMS, reasonable development unit, etc.).

Its aim is to give students the opportunity to question what these players teach them about the relationship between school and society.

The aim is to examine the educational mission of schools in the broadest sense, in the light of society's expectations and/or needs. The focus is therefore not on the school's didactic mission, but on all the educational activities offered to pupils outside this didactic field. The aim is to discover the role of other educational actors acting in or around the school or other missions of the actors of the school itself.

Students will be required to complete a written assignment with instructions, which will be a prerequisite for sitting the exam.

Teaching methods

The sessions will alternate between interactive presentations, sub-group work, testimonials from professionals and video analysis.

Assessment method

The theory course is assessed by means of a written examination comprising open questions. Sample questions will be made available to students during the semester. The marking criteria will also be explained. One of these is the ability to write coherent, reasoned answers in acceptable French, as the teaching profession also involves written communication with pupils and parents.

The work and/or field experiments carried out as part of the exercises count of the final mark. The work must be handed in before the examination on the theory course. It is a condition of access to the examination.

The examination arrangements for the theory part will be the same in the 2nd session. However, if the work is satisfactory, its mark will be included in the mark for the theoretical part in the 2nd session. In the event of failure in the 1st session, the student must complete the assignment. Completion of the assignment is a condition of access to the 2nd session examination.

Sources, references and any support material

Bibliographical references are provided on the ppt.

Various articles and resources are available in the WEBCAMPUS area of the course.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Management Standard 0 4
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Physics Standard 0 4
Master in Mathematics, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Economics : General Standard 0 4
Master in Management, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Master in Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Biology Standard 0 4
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Chemistry Standard 0 4
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Mathematics Standard 0 4
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Management Standard 1 4
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Physics Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Economics : General Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Biology Standard 1 4
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Chemistry Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Mathematics Standard 1 4
Master in Mathematics, Teaching focus Standard 2 4
Master in Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Teaching focus Standard 2 4
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus Standard 2 4
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 2 4