The institutional positioning of the University of Namur is marked by a strong commitment to values of well-being, inclusion, ethics, sustainability and data protection, making the university a committed institution structured around a multidimensional strategic plan.
"Univers 2025", the strategic plan for the University of Namur
This "Universe 2025" plan was defined in 2021 by the Rector's Council and is built around 5 major objectives translated into a series of concrete actions.

Well-being at work
The mission of the Service de Prévention (SerP) is to ensure the well-being of all University employees. Working closely with the Vice-Rectorate for Human Resources, Welfare and Safety at Work, the SerP assists the employer in applying the measures found in the law on welfare at work of 04/08/1996 and the resulting welfare code.

Gender and diversity policy
UNamur has been combating gender discrimination since 2011 with the establishment of the Gender Group and then, in 2013, with the creation of a Vice-Rectorate responsible for developing this policy. Within Naji Habra's rectoral team, Isabelle Parmentier, Vice-Rector, is in charge of Diversity and Gender. The rectoral team intends to assert its determination to maintain voluntary and reasoned policies in this area.

Ethics and scientific integrity
Ethical aspects concern all research. That's why the University of Namur sets up and updates ethics committees, commission and council, taking into account the specificities linked to the different sectors and disciplines.

Sustainable development
The issue of climate, air quality, pollution, lack of available resources and loss of biodiversity is omnipresent today. As a university, we wish to make our contribution both to the achievement of national objectives in terms of energy in particular, but also and primarily through our primary missions of teaching, research and service to society.
The climate issue, along with air quality, pollution, the lack of available resources and the loss of biodiversity, is omnipresent today.

The quality approach
Since 2013, the University of Namur has embarked on the implementation of a Quality approach. This approach has undergone various overhauls since its inception, and is gradually being fleshed out by the implementation of a more global approach and with the help of a multidisciplinary team.

Data processing and protection
The University of Namur has initiated several steps:
- The appointment of a Chief Information Officer (CIO), the hiring of a Data Privacy and Protection Officer (GDPR) and an Information Systems Security Officer (RSSI)
- Internal documents and training are also offered to staff members.
- The provision of the Guide to Good IS Practices (CReF).