Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will:

− Understand how technologies affect and will affect business operations

− Have a broad knowledge of selected emerging technologies that have business applications

− Be able to take a critical stance on the implementation of a technology in a business

− Be able to concisely present a technology or the application of a technology


Technologies have an important impact on our society. In particular, they have an impact on the professional activities of workers at all levels. As future managers, students must be able to take a critical stance on the implementation of a technology in a company and its economic, social, and environmental impacts. The objective of the course is to prepare students by introducing them to a wide selection of technologies and encouraging them to research and critique these technologies.


The course is structured around technologies that have business applications, such as virtual and augmented reality, collaborative work and prototyping tools, artificial intelligence, robots and drones, the Internet of Things, digital twins, and cloud computing. Each technology covered will have a dedicated lecture and will be discussed through an ex-cathedra presentation covering the technical aspects and limitations of the technology, a presentation of existing business applications with Q&A by a group of students, and, if relevant and possible, a demonstration of the technology by the professor or an external speaker / an interactive visit to a lab working with the technology. 

Assessment method

The course grade is based on the following:

− A group presentation of three areas of application of a technology and the facilitation of a Q&A session after the presentation (25%)

− A written report presenting and deepening the application of a technology or a set of technologies to a chosen business domain (35%)

− An individual oral exam based on the written report and the concepts covered in the course (40%)

Sources, references and any support material

The course content is based on scientific articles which references will be provided at the end of each session.

Language of instruction
