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Études et Formations
Service à la société

Provisory program



Confirmed speakers

Damien ERNST (University of Liège): Extreme engineering for ecology

Nicolas DENDONCKER (University of Namur): Is your research sustainable? My guess is: most likely not

Gian-Marco RIGNANESE (UCLouvain): High-throughput ab initio search for transparent conducting materials

Steve LANNERS (UNamur): Fifthy Shades of Green - a chemist's perspective on the transition from brown to green chemistry

Isabelle GEORGE (ULB): Harnessing the power of microbes to clean up polluted environments

Anne LEMAITRE (UNamur): Space junk: a complex challenge


13:00-15:00 - Johan TIRTIAUX: Kit de survie de la pédagogie (2h)

14:00-17:00 - Marine JAEKEN (Objectif Recherche) and Murielle GUILLAUME (Pro-Doc): Balises marché de l'emploi: CV, lettre de motivation, interview (3h)

15:00-17:00 - Teresa ORTNER (Nature Research): Abstract reviewing (1hr lecture and 1hr workshop)

Poster session

Further details here.

Flash talk presentations of action proposals by PhD students

Further details here.


  • Measurement of the impact on coprophagous insect populations in grasslands following treatment against gastrointestinal parasites in sheep.
  • The arrival and installation of insect-borne viral infections in domestic animals and humans (Blue tongue virus, Schmallenberg virus, West Nile virus): indicators of the consequences of global warming?
  • The use of reusable laboratory tips boxes. Feedback from 10 years of experience in URVI. Quantified analysis of the ecological impact and benefits on group dynamics around a common objective.