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Études et Formations
Service à la société

Balises marché de l'emploi: CV, lettre de motivation, interview

SpeakerMmes Marine JAEKEN et Murielle GUILLAUME
Objectif Recherche, Cellule Pro-Doc
Type Workshop
Language FR/EN
Short description

Roll up your sleeves, come and develop a job search strategy, create a striking CV and a convincing cover letter for the non-academic sector.

Please note that this is not a conference but a participatory hands-on workshop that will share with you some guidelines to get a job after the PhD by developing a strategic approach and presentation supports.

The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Marine Jaeken, employment counselling manager, trainer and job coach for Focus Research, VZW.

Hours 14:00-17:00


L30 - Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres (Faculty of Arts) - 1, rue Grafé - 3rd floor