Five questions about bankability

  1. What is financeability?
  2. When are you fundable?
  3. What if you have previously completed higher education outside the French Community?
  4. What changes have been made on May 31 and December 11, 2024?
  5. Are you eligible for funding if you pass 30, 45 or 55+ first bachelor's block credits?

1. What is fundability?

Any application for enrolment must meet the admission requirements but also be declared fundable in accordance with the decree of April 11, 2014 adapting the funding of higher education institutions to the new organization of studies.

This means that you can start or continue higher education studies when the enrolment you are applying for gives rise to funding from the French Community of Belgium, in other words, when you are "fundable". A contrario, if you are not fundable, higher education establishments (including universities) may refuse it.

The Enrolment Department checks compliance with these conditions on the basis of a complete file comprising:

  • For new students: the enrolment application form accompanied by final transcripts relating to post-secondary academic years.
  • For students previously enrolled at the University of Namur: the re-enrolment application form (via the Virtual Student Office or via the duly completed ad hoc document).

The Enrolment Department informs applicants after analysis of the complete academic file.

2. When are you eligible for funding?

(Decree of April 11, 2014 adapting the financing of higher education institutions to the new organization of studies)

You will be unfundable if you have not been sufficiently successful in your previous enrollments. Here are the main rules:The most important rule is that you will always be fundable in the same course if you pass all the credits in your annual student program (PAE) or if you have no total enrollment in higher education, in Belgium or elsewhere, in the last five academic years.

Special rules may apply in the case of previous enrolments in competitive examinations (see next question)

If this is not the case, you will be fundable if

  1. As a bachelor, you will remain fundable has these conditions:

    a. At the end of your 1st registration: you must acquire at least one UE. Failing this, you will not be able to re-register for the same course;

    b. At the end of your 2nd registration: you must have acquired all 60 Block 1 credits;

    c. At the end of your 4th registration: you must have acquired at least 120 credits, including all Block 1 credits;

    d. At the end of your 5th registration: you must have acquired all bachelor's credits.

  2. In Master's, you will remain fundable under these conditions:

    a. At the end of your 2nd registration: you must have acquired at least 60 credits.

    b. In the case of UES - Unités d'enseignements supplémentaires inscrites à votre PAE, all these teaching units must also have been acquired at the end of your 2nd registration and form an integral part of this first 60-credit level.

    c. At the end of your 4th registration, you must have acquired at least 120 credits if you have no UE

    d. In the case of UES - Unités d'enseignement supplémentaires registered with your PAE:

    i. At the end of your 5th registration, in the case of UES of up to 30 credits

    ii. At the end of your 6th registration, in case of UES of more than 30 credits

  3. In BAMA (more info), you will be fundable under these conditions:

    a. If you are fundable in each cycle (see rules above); you will need to be enrolled as a bachelor to be entitled to anticipate master's UEs.

In addition:

4. Whatever the cycle:

a. Any relief grants one or more additional registrations:

i. 1 additional registration per cycle when 1 or 2 reliefs have been granted;

ii. 2 additional registrations per cycle when 3 or 4 reliefs have been granted;

iii. 3 additional registrations per cycle when 5 or 6 alleviations have been granted;


In the event of an alleviation granted to a BAMA student, this alleviation grants an additional registration in each of the cycles. In addition, only reliefs that have been granted during a previous registration are taken into account.

b. Any reorientation, whether from one academic year to the next or, for first-block bachelor students, before February 15, grants one and only one additional registration per cycle. Please note that reorienting yourself does not allow you to return to a course in which you have not passed the credits associated with at least one teaching unit at the end of the first registration.

3. What if you have previously completed higher education outside the French Community or in French Community social promotion education?

If you have previously enrolled in higher education studies outside the French Community, UNamur will need to examine your situation to determine whether or not these studies are similar to the studies you wish to undertake at UNamur. If these studies are not considered similar, you will be considered to be reorienting yourself (see 4.b. of the previous question)

In the case of previous enrolment(s) in higher education studies outside the French Community at the end of which a competitive examination or preparatory test was introduced, more specific rules will find application.

In the case of previous enrolment(s) in higher education studies for social promotion in the French Community of Belgium, these enrolments will not be taken into account.

4. What changes have occurred on these May 31, 2024 and December 11, 2024?

The changes made on May 31, 2024 essentially guaranteed the fundability of certain students in the 2024-2025 academic year alone and modified the rules linked to reorientation. In the past, students were allowed two additional enrolments in the event of reorientation after the second enrolment. Nevertheless, this rule has been abolished from 2025-2026.

5. Am I eligible for funding if I pass 30, 45 or 55+ first bachelor's block credits?

No. In fact, a distinction must be made between fundability and success. This means that you can have passed 30, 45 or 55+ first block credits without being fundable. Financibility ensures that you have the right to re-enroll, whereas :

  • Successful completion of less than 30 credits will mean that, if you are eligible for funding, you will have to re-enroll in the first bachelor's block and will have to repeat all unsuccessful teaching units without being able to anticipate any teaching units beyond the first bachelor's block;
  • Successful completion of 30 credits or more will mean that, if you are eligible for funding, you will be able to re-enroll in the first bachelor's block. If the jury agrees, you will be authorized to anticipate teaching units beyond the first bachelor's block;

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the explanations on this site do not take into account all the specific rules for calculating your fundability.

Only the decision of the Enrolment Department is binding.


Understanding the rules of financeability

The Registration Service of the University of Namur explains the rules of fundability. This will help you position yourself and better understand the academic process.

Visuel règles de finançabilité

Financing rules explained by the French Community

What tags do you need to reach to re-register?

Financing hotlines

Questions about financeability based on credit accumulation criteria?


More information is also available on the ARES website...