Travel to Namur

Travel to Namur, Belgium

The University of Namur is situated in the Namur city centre.  At the heart of Europe, only 60 km from Brussels and 30 km from Charleroi.  The campus is within 10 minutes walking distance from the train station.

By plane

From Brussels National Airport:

If you are flying in to Brussels National Airport, you can easily catch a train to Namur.  Go to the airport train station and catch any train to Brussels North station.  Then, catch a connection to Namur.  Schedules can be found on the B-Rail website.

From Charleroi Brussels South Airport:

If you are flying in to Charleroi Airport, you can buy a ticket to any Belgian station at the RyanAir Desk.  The ticket combines a TEC bus transfer (Line A – peer 2) to Charleroi-South train station and a train ticket to Namur (or any Belgian city).  Ask for a return ticket (code 815) or a one-way ticket (code 811 or  814).  You can also buy and print your tickets on the B-Rail website.

By train

Most of the University buildings are situated within a 10 minutes walk from the train station.  But taxis and busses are also available outside the station.

Main train lines come from Brussels, Liège, Charleroi, Tournai, Köhln, Luxemburg and Paris.  Trains to and from Brussels, Liège and Charleroi run twice an hour on a weekday schedule (once during the weekend).

TGV trains from Paris go to Brussels Midi station.  Then you need to catch another train to Namur. Please check all the detailed schedules on the B-rail website.

A tribute to Professor Philippe Lambin

Philippe Lambin

The scientific committee
  • Jean-Christophe Charlier (UCL, Belgium)
  • Luc Henrard (UNamur, Belgium)
  • Philippe Lambin (UNamur, Belgium)
  • Amand Lucas (UNamur, Belgium)
  • Vincent Meunier (RPI, USA)
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