The financial follow-up of research projects

Created in 2014, the Research Conventions Management Unit (CGCR) works alongside the promoters of research agreements and their collaborators in the financial monitoring of their projects.

Signet CGCR


The main tasks are financial justification, ensuring the application and compliance with the eligibility rules set by the funding institutions, as well as financial collections with administrative services and funders. It can be called upon for questions, opinions, advice, etc. relating to the administrative and financial monitoring of a project.

Beyond this priority mission, the CGCR is responsible for identifying procedures to facilitate the exchange of information and documents as part of the justification of research agreements.

Initially, the CGCR's mission was to ensure the financial monitoring of the ARC, BRAIN, PAI and FEDER conventions. From now on, the scope of intervention has widened so that the financial and administrative monitoring of all research agreements financed by a public funding institution (H2020, FEDER, RW, ARES, FNRS, etc.) is ensured.

The CGCR may also be called upon in the event of significant difficulties which delay the recovery of UNamur's debts from funders (eg: delay in paying invoices, supporting documents refused, preparation of financial reports, etc.).

This unit works in close collaboration with a network of resource persons competent in the management of research agreements and distributed among the faculties and services of the University.

Do not hesitate to for any problem related to a research project financial management as well as for any question concerning the eligibility of expenses or financial reporting.

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