Council for research integrity

The guidelines for integrity in scientific research have been updated. They have several objectives: to ensure control of good practices in research ethics, to play a preventive role, but also to manage cases of suspected scientific fraud. In the event of a suspected breach of the principles of scientific integrity, any member of UNamur may refer the matter to the Council for Scientific Integrity.

new procedure for filing such a complaint was adopted by the Board of Directors on April 20, 2018.

Composition of the Council for Scientific Integrity

  • David VRYDAGHS – substitute: Fanny MARTIN
  • Beno^t VANDEROSE - substitute : Catherine LAMBERT de ROUVROY
  • Expert in intellectual property and patents: Benoit MICHAUX – substitute: Claire ROMMELAERE
  • Member secretary without voting rights: the legal advisor from ADRE

In casE of suspected breach – Internal document

Guidelines for Integrity in Scientific Research and general principles to be followed in case of suspected breach.


UNamur officially recognises the Higher Council for Scientific Integrity (CSIC). The CSIS is established within the Royal Academies of Belgium.

The CSIS is competent to provide recommendations and opinions on general issues related to scientific integrity, either on its own initiative or at the request of scientific bodies.
 The CSIS does not have the competence to issue first opinions. The advisory body of the CSIS is competent to provide a second opinion when a Scientific Integrity Committee of an institution which recognises the CSIS as an advisory body has delivered a first opinion on a case of alleged breach in scientific integrity or has decided not to give an opinion.

The CSIS rules are available here (in French).