Juliette, Léa and Sarah, students in the first bachelor's degree program in Latin-French (2019-2021)
We were the first to take this new Latin-French bachelier and to be able to "test drive" this unique curriculum. This course, which we believe brings together the best of the Classics and Romance languages, enables us to broaden our horizons between the past and the future, in order to better understand our current society. We look forward to continuing our journey, surrounded by attentive and passionate teachers, to eventually become the language specialists we aspire to be.
Yasmine, Latin-French student
- What path led you to a bachelor's degree in Latin-French?
I began my humanities by taking the Latin option solely on the advice of the headmistress of my school, because, me, I wasn't even able to define Latin as a language, but the passion communicated through arguments had convinced me. I then spent two fulfilling years during which I studied vocabulary, grammar but also a whole new culture on different levels: architectural, literary, historical...
As my school didn't offer Latin in third year, I opted for the strong science option which I later supplemented with four hours of mathematics. I liked these subjects. So, like many of my current fellow students, I naturally continued along the science path until a visit to the SIEP fair...
At this fair, I learned about a special feature of the Latin-French bachelier in Namur: the three-level organization of Latin and Greek courses. The opportunity to study Latin again, going back to basics, appealed to me. That's how I dared to reorient myself towards literary studies.
- How far along are you in your training?
I'm currently in the second year of a bachelor's degree in ancient and modern languages and literature. My training allows me to acquire linguistic and literary skills. What I particularly appreciate is my growing ability to access the thoughts of authors whatever the century! From Cicero to Rimbaud to a mysterious Païen de Maisières, I explore the French language from every angle, both through its primitive states (Old and Middle French) and through its mother tongue, Latin.
- What do you plan to do in later life?
I plan to continue my training at UCLouvain, where you can do either a didactic master's degree or a master's degree with an in-depth focus. I'm interested in the latter. More specifically, I'm thinking of taking the specialized finality in Roman civilization and contemporary French studies.
Follow your passion! Many people choose their course of study based on their desired career. But studies are for what they are. Then there are the opportunities that can take you to a country or professional sector that was not expected!