As a complement to courses, the Department of Classical Languages and Literatures offers students a series of "extra-academic" activities that provide opportunities to deepen subject study and broaden horizons beyond university audiences.
"General" or specialized conferences
Each year, the department's lecturers organize conferences or round tables for students and the "general public", providing an opportunity to discover the achievements of teaching researchers from other universities (Belgian and foreign) or persons working in the field of ancient languages (heads of collections in publishing houses, translators of classical texts...).
Wishing to encourage convivial exchanges and to strengthen the links between the university and the cultural world, the department generally organizes these events outside the Faculty's auditoriums: in UNamur's cultural space (the Quai 22), or in the privileged setting of the Maison de la Poésie or the librairie Point Virgule, regular partners in the organization of these events.
Students also have the opportunity to attend scientific conferences, colloquia and study days regularly organized by members of the department. They can thus be introduced to the specifics of scientific communication and discussion, while learning about the latest advances in research in various fields of the ancient sciences.
The list of conferences organized by the department can be accessed here.
Excursions and trips
The department regularly organizes didactic excursions aimed at enriching the training of bachelor students in Latin-French. Each year, 2nd and 3rd bac students are hosted for an afternoon at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels, where they have the opportunity to discover the manuscript collection and learn about deciphering under the guidance of a manager from this section. Visits to temporary exhibitions related to antiquity are also offered on an occasional basis.
Every year, a voyage of discovery is offered to bachelor students in Latin-French. Two years out of three, these are short stays (one weekend) in a city or site with a remarkable Roman past (Trier, Bavay...). Every three years, the department organizes a week-long trip to Rome: each "generation" of students thus has the opportunity to discover the Eternal City during its bachelor's degree.

Links with secondary education
The Department of Classical Languages and Literatures is keen to cultivate links with those involved in the teaching of Latin and Greek at secondary level. It maintains privileged contacts with the FRPGL - Fédération royale des professeurs de grec et de latin and the ACFLA - Association de la Communauté française pour les langues anciennes, which periodically hold their general assemblies on UNamur premises.
Every three years, the department hosts the Rencontres latines, a Latin version competition held annually (since 1985) for hundreds of free-education rheto students.
The department also supports the annual Rencontres grecques organized at the Institut du Sacré-Cœur in Mons since 1989.