


A few important unit conversions are possible with this calculators:

mode switch from radians to degrees and back when using circular trigonometric functions
A/m A length, in register x, expressed in units of m (meters) is converted into angstr&oulm;ms
m/A A length, in register x, expressed in units of angstr&oulm;ms is converted into meters
eV/J An energy, in register x, expressed in units of J (joules) is converted into electron-volts
J/eV An energy, in register x, given in units of electron-volts is converted into SI joules
cal/J An energy, in register x, expressed in units of J (joules) is converted into calories
J/cal An energy, in register x, given in units of calories is converted into SI joules
d Specifies that the number just entered is expressed in degree, and make the appropriate conversion according to the mode selected (deg or rad)
m Specifies that the number just entered is expressed in minutes, and make the appropriate conversion according to the mode selected (deg or rad)
s Specifies that the number just entered is expressed in seconds, and make the appropriate conversion according to the mode selected (deg or rad)