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Erasmus Key Action 1

One important programme under the key action 1 of the Erasmus+ programme is the "International Credit Mobility" (ICM or Dimension Internationale or KA107), in which UNamur has already participated since 2015. The programme is basically the classic Erasmus programme but "exported" to countries and partners outside of Europe.

The programme offers opportunities for UNamur students to study or train (internships) and UNamur staff to teach or train in higher education institutions (HEIs) outside Europe. It also offers the same opportunities available for staff and students from countries outside of Europe to come to UNamur.

Interested academics are invited to respond to this competitive call by using your existing relationships and collaborations with universities outside of Europe. In order to do so please complete the below application form using the background and support material also provided below.

For any information, please contact


2020 Call and Deadlines:

Call: The specific information about the 2020 call in terms of geographic windows and the directional flow of participants can be found under this link (the date indicated is 2018, but the information provided also applies to 2020). Information on scholarship rates, evaluation criteria, etc are available in this presentation (the date indicated is 2018, but the information provided also applies to 2020). Otherwise the 2020 call is very similar to the previous ones (see below for specific material from previous  call). 

Deadlines: Interested academics must sent a "notification of interest" to Henrich Brunke by Dec 15, 2019. A simple email suffices. Such a notification of interest is necessary as UNamur can only submit one sub-project per country. Therefore, if more than one academic are interested in the same country (even though the partner universities may be different), the two projects need to be combined into one. That specific project is then due by Jan 15, 2020. 

This 2020 Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility will also be presented in detail in a "midi de l' ADRE" on Nov 28, 2019. 


Preparing a project:
(Please note that submissions whose authors have not consulted the number of helpful guides below and that therefore appear incomplete will not be considered for submission). 


-Internal Application Form (Submission Deadline 15/01/2020 but manifestation of interest needed by 15/12/2019).
-Successful examples from previous editions of this programme

-Reviewer Guide (What the reviewers look for in a successful project)
-"Dos and Donts" (Guide on what to write and not to write in a project)

-FAQ for Higher Education Students and Staff
-FAQ on ICM for Higher Education Institutions

Exchange Students

Exchanges Students Université de Namur

Visiting Researchers

Recherche - médecine