Research at the UNamur

Numerous research entities are active at the University of Namur. They group Belgian and foreign academic, scientific and administrative staff members, all passionate about research.

Support to researchers

The UNamur services offer support to researchers: career, jobs and training sessions, submitting and funding research proposals, ... All the useful information is here.  Please chose your profile!


Research in figures

In 2018 ...

The research landscape

11 transdisciplinary research institutes form the University of Namur landscape.  Research activities lean on state-of-the-art scientific equipment grouped in 9 technology platforms.  Researchers work on inter- and transdisciplinary fundamental and applied research projects.

Ethical aspects affect research as a whole.  In 2018, the UNamur created the ethics committees, commission and council, liked to all disciplines (animal, medical and social sciences experimentation and research integrity).

NARCThe NARC (NAmur Research College) completes the landscape and follows a double objective: to offer an optimal environment to young outstanding researchers and ensure the visibility of outstanding research.

The Executive Board defines the University research strategy with the guidance of the Research Council.

Excellence in research logoThe UNamur aims at excellence and maintains the necessary balance between fundamental and applied research.  It is cautious about PhD training and researchers’ mobility.  The Euraxess cell is in charge of implementing the European Researcher Charter.

ADRE (Research Administration)

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From the building of a project to commercialization, intellectual property management, technology transfer, incubation of results, research promotion or strategic, administrative and legal support, the ADRE team is at your service.  More info…