M A S T E R   I N   B I O C H E M I S T R Y   A N D   M O L E C U L A R   A N D
c E L L   B I O L O G Y

Partially taught in EnglishThe Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology focuses on both the normal and pathological functioning of everything from bacteria to man and from genes to systems.

Whether you decide to choose a career in the business world or industry, laboratory research or upper secondary level teaching, you will discover how to tackle current problems in human biology, genetics and genomics, cell biology, animal biology, microbiology and virology.

Y O U R   O B J E C T I V E S

  • To tackle the living world in all its complexity and its various organisational levels, from bacteria to man and from genes to systems.
  • To contribute to the understanding of biological processes at the cell and molecular levels, in normal and pathological conditions.
  • To develop research projects in biochemistry and in molecular and cell biology, to carry these projects through to a successful conclusion and to interpret and publish the results.

W h y   s t u d y   a t   U N a m u r ?

p r o g r a m m e s

First year Master: programme

In the first year, in addition to your core subjects, you may choose additional subjects from five areas of study:

  • human biology,
  • genetics and genomics,
  • cell and molecular biology,
  • infectiology,
  • microbiology and virology.


Belgian and international specialists in these different fields will be on hand to help you broaden your knowledge.

You will have the opportunity to devise and carry out experiments based on a biological topic during two weeks of integrated practical projects.

For example: choose an amino acid to mutate -› mutate the chosen gene -› transfer the mutated gene into mammal cells -› observe the effect of the mutation on cell behaviour.

You will then learn to handle laboratory animals.  This course is obligatory for all researchers who handle animals during their research and their thesis and is accredited by FELASA (certificate B: technologist).

Finally, you will select a subject for your thesis and begin full-time research in a state-of-the-art laboratory in the departments of biology or veterinary medicine or in the faculty of medicine.  During your thesis, you will gain practical experience of the profession of researcher with a team who will support you individually and help you to put into practice the scientific approaches needed to respond to the question you have chosen

Second year Master: programme

During the second year, you will firstly carry out research for your thesis.

You will then select additional subjects to complete your scientific training.

Finally, you will end your course with a 4-month placement depending on your chosen focus:


  • Programme structure and coursesresearch: to master experimental processes in the laboratory and both written and oral scientific communication.
    Placement in a research laboratory outside of UNamur, generally abroad.


  • Programme structure and coursesteaching: to teach at upper secondary level.
    Lessons and placement in a secondary school.


  • Programme structure and coursesprofessional: to enter the world of business or industry, in Belgium or abroad.
    Placement in business, in a spin-off or in public service, in Belgium or abroad.


This placement constitutes your first experience of professional life, an unforgettable experience spent learning about science and about life, and often a springboard towards your first job.