

Oct. 2020: A.-S. Libert is named NARC (Namur Research College) fellow for two years. Many thanks to UNamur for the unfailing support.

Sep. 2020: Jean Teyssandier and A.-S. Libert are coveners of the "EXO1: Formation and evolution of extrasolar systems" session at EPSC2020.

Jan. 2020: A.-S. Libert is IAU NAEC member (National Astronomy Education Coordinator) for Belgium.

Jan. 2020: A.-S. Libert has been awarded a F.R.S.-FNRS Incentive grant for scientific research (MIS).


Oct. 2019: J. Teyssandier gets a FNRS post-doctoral research fellowship. Welcome!

Sep. 2019: A.-S. Libert is president of the PhD thesis jury of M. Murawiecka, University of Namur. Congrats!

Aug. 2019: M. Volpi has defended her PhD thesis. Congrats!

Jun. 2019: A.-S. Libert is a member of the SOC & LOC of the first conference on TRAPPIST-1, Liège


Oct. 2018: A.-S. Libert is a Jury member of the PhD thesis of W. Polycarpe, Paris Observatory. Congrats!

Sep. 2018: A.-S. Libert is now a member of the Belgian National ESO Committee (BNEC).

Sep. 2018: A.-S. Libert has been promoted Professor at University of Namur.


Oct. 2017: A.-S. Libert has been elected President of the naXys Research Institute (Namur Institute for Complex Systems).

Oct. 2017: S.Sotiriadis has defended his PhD thesis. Congrats!

Oct. 2017: A. Roisin gets a FNRS PhD research fellowship. Welcome!

Sep. 2017: A.-S. Libert is an invited speaker to CELMEC VII in Viterbo, Italy.

Jul. 2017: New funding granted for the OSE project!

Mar. 2017: A.-S. Libert is invited to the 9th Humboldt Colloquium on Celestial Mechanics in Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

Feb. 2017: Publication of a comment in Nature Astronomy by A.-S. Libert and the ELSI Origins Network Planetary Diversity Workshop (Tokyo, Japan).


Nov. 2016: A.-S. Libert is invited to the Planetary Diversity Workshop at ELSI in Tokyo.

Nov. 2016: K. I. Antoniadou has joined our team as a post-doc ('ExtraOrDynHa' project).

Nov. 2016: Broadcasting on Radio "La Première" of the sonor interview of A.-S. Libert. 

Oct. 2016: S. Sotiriadis and E. Bolmont both got a talk at the DPS meeting in Passadena, USA.

Jul. 2016: A.-S. Libert is an invited speaker at the International Workshop on Computational perturbative methods for Hamiltonian systems in Athens, Greece.


Nov. 2015: A.-S. Libert has attended Extreme Solar System III conference, in Hawaii, USA.

Oct. 2015: M. Volpi gets a FRIA PhD fellowship. Welcome!

Sep. 2015: A.-S. Libert is now a board member of the Technological Platform for High Performance Computing (PTCI).


Dec. 2014: A.-S. Libert has been awarded the Prize Agathon de Potter - Astronomy of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Belgium.

Sep. 2014: E. Bolmont (post-Doc on the 'ExtraOrDynHa project') & M. Bataille (Research assistant - PhD student) have joined the team.

Sep. 2014:  A.-S. Libert gets a tenure track position at University of Namur.

Jul. 2014: The Complex Planetary Systems IAU Symposium takes place in Namur. More than 130 specialists gathered for an amazing program!