Valorization partners

The valorization of a research project is a process that goes from UNamur to the Society. UNamur collaborates with different partners in order to support projects in development.

The Economic Office of the Province of Namur (BEP)

As the economic development agency of the Namur territory, the BEP provides entrepreneurs with a personalized approach, local services and specific tools. It assists private companies in the development of their activities (creation, development, consolidation, internationalization, establishment, etc.) and facilitates the emergence of innovative business projects.

Namur Invest - Préface

NAMUR INVEST is a mixed investment and financing company, with public and private shareholders, focused on SMEs established in the Province of Namur. These financial interventions are aimed at any economically sustainable business project with a development potential, in particular creating added value in the industrial or innovative fields, but also in the field of services.

Préface, a subsidiary of Namur Invest, is intended to support spin-off and spin-outs projects, in partnership with universities located in the Province of Namur and using innovative technologies.

UNamur Venture

The mission of the investment fund UNamur Venture is to provide seed capital for UNamur's spin-off projects. The purpose of this initiative is linked to UNamur's third mission, its vocation of service to society and support for local and regional economic development. This purpose is also linked to the mission of Namur Invest in the support, creation and development of SMEs in the Province of Namur.

The LIEU network

For the past ten years, the KTO's of the different universities have wanted to work together within the network LIEU (Liaison Entreprises-Universités).

The action of the LIEU network allows, while respecting the autonomy of each institution to:

  • consolidating the university offer ;
  • federate resources within the framework of collective approaches and joint projects;
  • achieve significant economies of scale.

The EasyNove network

EasyNove is the network of technological innovation actors at the service of companies. It originates from the Agence de Stimulation Technologique (AST), created by the Walloon Government in 2006. Its mission is to structure and animate the Walloon technological innovation network (called EasyNove), in order to increase the innovation capacity of companies.

It is composed of the following operators : LIEU (network of business-university interfaces and Adisif), Wal-Tech (network of approved research centers), the Enterprise Europe Network Wallonia, SPoW (network of Walloon science parks), InnovaTech, PICARRÉ and NCP-Wallonia (European contact point).

ADRE contact: Jean-Christophe CHAPELLE
Coordinateur MIRVAL+
Tél : +32(0)81 72 57 06