Career Development

 Career development

"Employers and/or funders should ensure that all researchers, at all stages of their careers and irrespective of their contractual situation, are offered opportunities for professional development and employability by having access to measures for the continuous development of know-how and skills. These measures should be regularly evaluated in order to assess the extent to which they are accessible, implemented and effective in improving know-how, skills and employability". (extract from the Charter for European researchers)



  • Implementation of a training catalogue for all the staff
  • Seminars in transversal skills
  • Creation of the U2ES "University to Enterprise and Society" certificate in transversal competences
  • Re-launch of the U2ES certificate in 2018 with an enriched programme 
  • Creation of the UNamur Career Center, a recruitment platform
  • Online staff training catalogue (MOOC) planned for 2019 (discontinued)
Continuation of the U2ES training catalogue

- Training catalogue updated 

- Survey to know the needs 

- Leadership and management trainings proposed to leaders

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