All the information you need about staggered-schedule programs, certificates, masters and specialization masters to continue training, specialize, boost or redirect your career!

Valuing acquired experience (VAE)

The Valorisation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) system enables you to apply for a university master's degree based on your professional experience and previous training. A minimum of 5 years' experience relevant to the studies in question is required to consider admission to a master's degree by VAE.

The VAE dossier is an integral part of your application. On the basis of your VAE dossier, the jury assesses your achievements:
- Is your application admissible? Is the number of years sufficient?
- Are your skills and knowledge sufficient to follow the studies you have chosen?

Please make sure you spell out your professional and personal experience and relate it to the training you wish to access.

Your dossier must be fully completed and handed in to the relais-VAE of the faculty in which you wish to study.

Don't forget to attach all the necessary supporting documents (copies of diplomas, employers' attestations, volunteer work attestations, training attestations, certificates, evidence of completion of a personal project, etc.).

The VAE dossier may vary from one faculty to another and even from one training course to another depending on the criteria adopted to assess your prior learning.


Do not hesitate to get in touch with your VAE relay to find out about the procedures that apply to you:

Attention, completing the VAE file is a step in the admission process. It does not mean that you are registered. Please consult the pages in this section or go to the registration platform.


Dans la grande majorité des cas, le programme annuel de l’étudiant (PAE) est constitué de 60 crédits. Dans certains cas justifiés, vous avez néanmoins la possibilité d’alléger ce programme. 

Continuing education

Part of this page is still under construction. We invite you to visit our website dedicated to continuing education.