Learning outcomes

Cf. objectives


Master the main concepts of psychopedagogy and didactics in relation to a teacher's conduct.
Develop professional attitudes and ethics compatible with the school's mission.
Master a professional language.
Acquire a reflective approach and the ability to work in a group.


The Psychopedagogy I course comprises 50 hours divided into 30 hours of theory and 20 hours of exercises in the field or in workshops/seminars. This course is designed to be taken prior to Psychopedagogy II, and is a prerequisite for it.
The training offered is professionally oriented and therefore requires students to be present and involved, especially in the exercises.
Timetables are available on ADE horaires.unamur.be

Table of contents

The teaching profession
School motivation
Cognition and metacognition
The didactic contract
Didactic transposition
The pedagogical relationship
Classroom management


Exercise sessions are an integral part of the course. During these sessions, you will be expected to participate actively in group work, discussions and role-playing. For this reason, and out of respect for the groups you will be working with, your attendance at these sessions is strictly compulsory.
The exercises cover 20 h.  They are divided into 4 activities:
Learning in a group” seminars: these will give you a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of working in a group, as well as the conditions that are favorable and/or necessary. 
Problem-based learning (PBL) sessions: these enable you to approach “problematic” school situations in relation to various themes covered in the course, such as motivation. In small groups, you will reflect on and analyze these situations, so as to be better able to deal with them during your internships or in teaching situations. You'll need one computer per group, as each group will be working on a digital APP notebook. This will be used as a basis for group reflection. You will then receive feedback on your work based on it.  
Emotional Competence (EC) workshops: these will focus on the role of emotions in learning through theoretical input, practical exercises and home reading, enabling you to reflect personally and professionally on emotional processes in learning. 
Educational simulation sessions (SIMEDUC): these will enable you to experience a concrete learning support situation in a caring, controlled environment. The aim is to help you develop specific communication and coaching skills.  
Each activity will be described in detail during the first lesson or practice session. PPA groups, emotional skills workshops and simulation sessions will be set up during the first courses via online registration on webcampus.


Teaching methods

The theoretical course alternates between ex-cathedra and interactive activities. They are supported by audio-visual aids and powerpoints available on the Webcampus area.
A reflexivity journal accompanies the entire course. Students are asked to complete it individually at set intervals, so as to be able to draw on its content during theory classes and certain exercise sessions.

Assessment method

Assessment of the course will take the form of a written examination in two parts:
The first part will deal with the subject matter covered in the theory course.
The second part will cover one of the subjects covered in the exercise sessions.
Sample questions will be provided during the semester. The correction criteria will also be explained.
One of these is the ability to write coherent, well-argued answers in acceptable French, since the teaching profession also involves written communication with students and parents.
Assessment procedures for the 2nd session are equivalent to those for the 1st session.

Sources, references and any support material

Student materials can be downloaded from Webcampus: PowerPoint slides, thematic syllabi, etc.  You'll also find all the resources you need for the course (articles, website references, etc.).

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Management Standard 0 4
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Physics Standard 0 4
Master in Mathematics, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Economics : General Standard 0 4
Master in Management, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Master in Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Biology Standard 0 4
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Chemistry Standard 0 4
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Mathematics Standard 0 4
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 0 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Physics Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Economics : General Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Biology Standard 1 4
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Chemistry Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Mathematics Standard 1 4
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Management Standard 1 4
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 1 4
Master in Mathematics, Teaching focus Standard 2 4
Master in Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Teaching focus Standard 2 4
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus Standard 2 4
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 2 4