Redress possibilities

Several solutions are proposed:

  1. use the mediation of a hierarchical superior and / or a colleague (who do not have a conflict of interest between you and the person of the "plagiarist");
  2. use the mediation of your Dean, who will appoint “ad hoc advisers” as the case may be;
  3. use the mediation of the Research Administration (ADRE) if it concerns your research and / or the mediation of the Education Administration (ADEN) if it concerns your university studies;
  4. use the Scientific Integrity Council set up within the university and which is responsible for complying with the Directives relating to integrity in scientific research (FNRS);
  5. resort to the sanction of the Rector, who is the final instance for all serious cases of scientific integrity (plagiarism, fraud, etc.).

From the point of view of the plagiarist, if you find that you have been plagiarized, the first attitude to adopt is that of contacting the person who would have misused your work without being rigorous in his quotations: most of the time, plagiarism is the fact. a lack of knowledge of the methodology, so the person will have the opportunity to correct the situation and recognize your "paternity" on certain extracts from his own work without this giving rise to more consequences. It is important for you that one recognizes the paternity of your work and your ideas, and that one brings you an appropriate solution to a noted "injustice".

In all cases, respect the "presumption of innocence" and let these authorities look into the matter seriously, in total confidentiality, and determine the best attitude and sanction to adopt (formal notice, warning, other): your reputation is also at stake, because a "public trial" of plagiarism always has consequences for both people concerned (excessive media coverage, rumors & gossip from colleagues - even on a larger scale via blogs or websites, questioning seriousness of the complaint / plagiarism, etc.).

Note, however, that it is always important to report suspected and / or observed cases of plagiarism, if only to allow our institution to develop "case law" on the issue and to make public the main causes that lead to plagiarism. So that it does not happen again.

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