B a c h e l o r   i n   E c o n o m i c s   a n d   M a n a g e m e n t

Fully taught in FrenchThe Bachelor in Economics and Management at UNamur is a 3-year programme organised in French only.

For more information, visit the web page in French.

M a s t e r   i n   m a n a g e m e n t

Partially taught in English

How can we best organise innovation and the launch of new products in business?

How can we manage relationships with clients and providers?

How can we organise work within a company and motivate staff?

How can we make the best use of social networks to promote a service?

How can we conquer new international markets?

Which source of financing should we choose and where should we invest our capital?

How can we make our company more responsible towards the environment and towards our employees, etc.?

A major player in society, the business world provides a large proportion of the goods and services that we consume, from the most basic to the most innovating, but it also provides employment and income for its employees and its owners.

Managing a company cannot be improvised!

To help you become the professional that companies need, UNamur teaches all aspects of management: finance, marketing, innovation, consultancy, data management, processes, client and provider relationships, etc.

You will become a proactive and well-informed decision-maker, capable of managing projects and teams in complex international, multicultural and innovating environments.

Y o u r   o b j e c t i v e s

  • To acquire the rigour and critical thinking skills offered by a high-quality university course;
  • To master the knowledge, methods and tools of the various management-related disciplines (finance, marketing, human resources, strategy, organisation, operations management, management information systems, business law, etc.) and their integration from a cross-functional perspective;
  • To develop the skills needed to lead multidisciplinary and multicultural teams or to create your own business:
    • creativity, innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit,
    • proficiency in languages and openness to the world,
    • intellectual rigour, honesty and a sense of responsibility,
    • leadership, autonomy and team spirit.

W h y   s t u d y   a t   U N a m u r ?

‘UNamur has provided me with some incredible opportunities and I am really grateful.  From the historical corridors of one of the most prestigious universities in Milan to the students chanting ‘go green, go white’ in the excitement-filled stadium at Michigan State University, every experience abroad has brought me a new vision of the world and an international network of friends. I have taken part in several junior enterprise projects (JEN Consult), which offer consultancy services to the region’s SMEs.  The ‘business immersion’ programme has also given me the opportunity to put my skills to the test in a real-world work environment and to gain considerable professional experience ready for my first job search.  The University of Namur, its teaching quality, its great atmosphere and the opportunities it offers are all little extras which make a huge difference.’ - Marine, student

p r o g r a m m e s

2 year master - 120 credits

The Master in Management programmes offer 2 focuses and 3 areas of study.

You may choose one focus and one area of study



  • Programme structure and coursesBusiness analysis and integration: an advanced study of the different areas of management (corporate finance, organisations, human resources, strategic analysis, etc.) and of their integration in a global perspective.  You will gain more in-depth knowledge of the principal management functions and their international dimension and you will learn to deal with managerial problems in the context of their economic, social and political environment.

  • Programme structure and coursesTeaching Management: you will become an approved teacher of management, economics, law and accountancy at upper secondary level.  In addition to an in-depth study of pedagogical sciences, you will follow a curriculum in management via your choice of area of study, options and period spent abroad.

Areas of study :

Business ‘immersion’ (unique in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation) combines rigorous university studies with practical experience valued by the job market and gained via a series of placements based around a managerial project carried out in business;

    • Aim: intra-/entrepreneurial projects - a company-related thesis-project based on 3 placements within this company and 2 options chosen from the various topics on offer

Advanced management leads to a high level of expertise in one of the main fields of management;

    • Aim: expert – 2-3 options, a thesis and potentially a business placement, all related to the same topic

General management provides a broad study of the different areas of management.

    • Aim: generalist – 3 options, a thesis and a business placement on several topics


Choice of options depending on selected area of study

  • ‘Management and consultancy’ topic: to learn to analyse and solve problems and be able to provide services to companies (including a real consultancy project).
  • ‘Finance’ topic: portfolio management, investment strategies, stock and financial markets, investment techniques, financial derivatives, management of risk and its international dimension, corporate finance, financial analysis and the communication of financial information.
  • ‘Services and Marketing Management’ topic (unique in Belgium): to develop skills in marketing, operations, IT, technology, law and human resources in the service sector – knowing existing clients and finding new ones, developing successful products or services and standing out in a competitive, communication-oriented and technological world.
  • ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ topic: for future managers who will be the drivers of innovation for their own entrepreneurial project or for development projects within the company for which they work.

Options on other topics may be taken at the Louvain School of Management, ICHEC or the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, our partners in French-speaking Belgium.


Key aspects of the study programme

Besides your chosen focus and area of study, your Master will be based around 3 key aspects:

  •  a long-term business placement in Belgium or abroad, to introduce you to the real world of business and prepare you for your future roles;
  • a period of study with one of our partners in Flanders (Ghent, Antwerp, Leuven, etc.), in Europe (notably Barcelona, Rome, Warsaw, Budapest, Rotterdam, Maastricht, Tampere, etc.), or further away in the US, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Brazil, India, Tunisia, Mexico, Taiwan, etc.
  • a thesis in collaboration with a company, organisation or research centre, which will bring together all the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout your studies.


1 year master - 60 creditsProgramme structure and courses

This programme is accessible under the same conditions as the ‘Master 120 credits’ in Management.  Usually following a Bachelor from a ‘haute école’ (higher education institution) and a preparatory year, it will enhance your management skills and give you access to the graduate job market.

This Master focuses on the general and transdisciplinary aspects of company/organisation management.  This transdisciplinary approach is facilitated by a study of business ethics, corporate finance, performance management, marketing and entrepreneurship.

Staggered schedule master

The ‘Masters 120 and 60 credit’ programmes in Management are also offered on a staggered schedule so that you can combine university studies with work and family commitments.   For more information on staggered schedule programmes, visit this link.