Membre du personnel


Département des sciences de gestion - Directeur du département
Bureau : Bâtiment Sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion
Rempart de la Vierge, 8 - 5000, Namur
Porte 408
Fax : +32 (0)81 72 48 40
Département horaire décalé économie et gestion (HDECOGEST)
Entités de recherche
Namur Digital Institute (NADI)
Management of INformation and DIgital Transformation (MIND IT)
Assemblée générale (AG) - Membre invité permanent - Vice-Recteur à la transformation numérique, à la qualitée et à la communication
Comité de pilotage EURAXESS - Vice-Recteur à la Formation
Conseil d'administration (CA) - Vice-recteur/Vice-rectrice - Vice-recteur à la transformation numérique, à la qualité et à la communication
Courriel :
Conseil rectoral - Vice-Recteur à la transformation numérique, à la qualité et à la communication
Courriel :
Conseil de faculté - Membre de droit académique
Bureau : Bâtiment Sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion
Rempart de la Vierge, 8 - 5000, Namur
Porte 408



Stéphane Faulkner is an Associate Professor in Technologies and Information Systems Engineering at the University of Namur (FUNDP). He is an Invited Professor with the IAG - Business School of the University of Louvain (UCL) and the Universitary Faculties of St Louis of Brusssel (FuSL). He is also member of the PReCISE research center.

Currently, their interests of research evolve around requirements engineering and the development of precise (formal) modeling notations, systematic methods and tool support for the development of multi-agent systems and services management systems.

Previously, he received a Ph.D. from the University of Louvain (UCL) in 2004, with a dissertation concerning software architecture and multi-agent systems. During his Ph.D., he has started to contribute to the development of a formal architectural framework for describing BDI multi-agent information systems. This framework extends the architectural abstraction of current architectural description languages (ADLs) with BDI agent concepts and proposes a catalogue of re-usable styles detailling how to exploit specific architectural configurations.

His main publications can be found at the DBLP Server.

Domaines d'expertises

  • Requirements Engineering for Information Systems
  • Services Engineering
  • Agent-Oriented Modeling, Design and Architectures
  • Software Project Methodologies
  • Database and Information Systems Engineering

Responsabilités externes

  • Guest Professor at UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain, LLN)
  • Guest Professor at FuSL (Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, Bruxelles)
  • Member of the advisor board of the BPM Forum
  • Program Committee Member of AOIS, IAT, AOSE
  • Reviewer for JAAMAS, JWEIS, IJAOSE


  • Ph.D. in Management Sciences
  • Master in Financial Economics
  • Master in Computer Sciences (Ingénieur Civil)