
Requirements for students with previous qualifications from outside Belgium


You must hold one of the following:

  • a foreign diploma, certificate or other qualification recognised as equivalent to Bachelor level entry qualifications in the French Community of Belgium;
  • a European Baccalaureate awarded by the Conseil supérieur de l’école européenne (Board of Governers of the European School);
  • an international Baccalaureate awarded by the International Baccalaureate Foundation Office in Geneva;
  • a certificate of aptitude to access higher education (diplôme d'aptitude à accéder à l'enseignement supérieur - DAES) conferred by the jury of the French Community; or
  • a certificate confirming that you have passed one of the entrance examinations set by a higher education establishment or by a jury of the French Community.  This certificate grants access to studies in the sectors or fields indicated on it.

In addition, enrolment in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine is subject to special procedures.  A certain quota of non-resident students is selected based on a random draw.

Masters and Advanced Masters

All students holding qualifications from outside of the French Community of Belgium must apply in writing.

Please refer to the admission criteria as listed in your chosen study programme as well as the specific conditions of the admission jury.


For information concerning Doctorates, please visit the Doctorate page.