About the LEGIT

The originality of LEGIT’s research is to develop a new level of consideration regarding the ethical analysis of technological research and development. Its main aim is to overcome the limitations of the current ethical approaches in relation to technology. It seeks to explore the way toward alternative ethical solutions for technology that involve a rigorous construction of an innovative governance and regulatory framework. This ethical framework would be based on a new understanding of the conditions of construction, legitimisation, acceptance, application, and productivity of an ethical normative judgement in very specific and explicit technological contexts of application. The framework requires will be determined taking into account the fundamental conditions, contribution and function of reflexivity at the level of practical judgement that is involved in determining concrete action.


Current Projects :

  • The GREAT project (2013-2016) is focusing on responsible research and innovation. 
  • The CONSIDER project (2012-2015)  (Civil Society OrgaNisationS In Designing rEsearch goveRnance) is a focusing on Civil Society organisations.  
  • The RESPONSABILITY  project (2013-2016). 

Completed Projects : 

  • The IDEGOV project was funded by the CIGREF foundation and aimed at analysing the state of ethics and governance in IS field through interview with IS professional around the world, and provide some governance advices for them, taking into account their position and also the developpement of our conceptions of governance. 
  • The EGAIS project, funded by FP7 aimed at analysing the ethical procedures of European projects funding assessments and giving advices to improve them. 
  • The ETICA project, funded by FP7 aimed at identifying emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their potential application areas in order to analyze and evaluate ethical issues arising from these. By including a variety of stakeholders and disciplinary perspectives, it grades and ranks foreseeable ethical risks.