

Gnabo.jpgJean-Yves Gnabo is Associate Professor of Finance at the Université de Namur. His research focuses on the areas of international finance and financial econometrics and more specifically on issues related to systemic risk modelling  and contagion. He holds a PhD in Economics and Business Administration from the Université de Namur and a Master/Magistère in Finance from the Université Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne.


Bernal.jpegAfter obtaining his Ph.D. in Economics and Management from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Oscar Bernal spent four years in the banking industry before returning to academia. He is currently Associate Professor of Finance at the Université de Namur. His areas of expertise concern market finance, international finance and corporate finance. More particularly, he is interested in topics related to central banking, financing policy, risk management, systemic risk, contagion mechanisms and complex methods in finance.

deCrombruggheAlain de Crombrugghe has research interests in macroeconomics and finance with applications for economic policy.  He worked with Jeffrey Sachs on Ph.D. dissertation at Harvard on monetary policy coordination, and then to advise the Polish Government on macroeconomic stabilization after the move to market economy.  He further studied macroeconomic stabilization and public finances in transition economies and worked on the performance of microcredit institutions.  He currently works on stabilization in the Euro-area, with special attention to debt contracts, automatic stabilizers and the links between financial markets and labor markets in recessions.


giotPierre Giot is Full Professor of Finance at the University of Namur where he headed the research center in finance (CeReFiM) from 2002 to 2011. His current research interests focus on market microstructure, alternative assets, venture capital and private equity. He holds a Ph.D. in economics (UCL) and also graduated as an electronics engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain (UCL).




houssaRomain Houssa holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Leuven (KU Leuven). His research interests cover the areas of Applied Macroeconomics, International Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Development Macroeconomics, and the Economics of Africa.


RedingPaul Reding is Full Professor of Money and Finance at the University of Namur. He holds a Ph.D. in economics (UNamur).  His research interests are in the field of monetary policy and financial markets. His current research focuses on monetary and exchange rate policy in developing countries and on issues related to development finance (financial intermediation, sovereign debt management, micro-finance).



Dahlqvist.jpgCarl-Henrik Dahlqvist holds a Master’s degree in Business Engineering from the Université catholique de Louvain (LSM). After having worked 2 years for SWIFT, he decided to go back to university to pursue a PhD in finance in co-supervision between the Université de Namur and the Université catholique de Louvain (LSM).  He is currently a teaching assistant at the Université de Namur. His research interests are at the crossroads of econophysics, network theory, complex systems and financial econometrics.



Françoise Delmez graduated in Applied Economics (with a major in Macroeconomics) in 2013 at Université Catholique de Louvain. She has then worked part-time as a Teaching Assistant at UNamur while pursuing her education in the Advanced Economics program (research focus) at UCLouvain, from which she graduated in 2014. She is currently a Doctoral Fellow of FNRS. Her research field mainly deals with recessions and recoveries and more precisely the reaction of unemployment after a financial crisis



Geraci.jpgMarco Valerio Geraci holds a Master degree from the London School of Economics (LSE) and a Bachelor from the University of Warwick. He has started a PhD in co-supervision at the Université de Namur and ULB-ECARES. His research interests lie in financial econometrics and network theory. In particular he is interested in applying network techniques to developing new measures to monitor systemic risk.



Graduated from Paris I University (Panthéon-Sorbonne), ENS Paris, ENS Cachan and EHESS in Money, Banking and Finance, Alexandre Girard is currently a PhD Candidate in Finance at the University of Namur (Belgium). With multiple experiences in the banking sector, asset management or central banking consultancy, he is interested in topics related to central banking, international finance, macro-finance, credit rating agencies and financial sector regulation.



Hubert.jpgAfter a Bachelor degree in Economics at the University of Namur and a Research Master jointly organized by the University of Warsaw and the Université Catholique de Louvain, Olivier Hubert started his PhD in 2011 under the supervision of Romain Houssa. Alternating between Research and Teaching Assistant, his research interests focus on fiscal and monetary policies, macroeconomic imbalances and their role in the determination of the Term Structure of Interest Rates for both Advanced and Emerging economies.

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KerkourMalik Kerkour is a Ph.D candidate at the Université de Namur. His research focuses on the areas of international finance and financial econometrics and more specifically on issues related to the Sovereign Wealth Funds behavior in the financial market. He holds a Master Degree in Finance, Economics and Econometrics from the Université Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne



MohimontJolan Mohimont holds a Master in Political Economics and a Research Master from the University of Namur. He is currently working as a PhD student and Teaching Assistant at the University of Namur. His fields of research include macroeconomics and finance applied to developing countries.



picaultMatthieu Picault holds a Master degree from IESEG School of Management (Lille-Paris, France) specialised in Finance. After working as an economist for the French building Federation, he is a Ph.D candidate in Finance at the Université de Namur working mainly on monetary policy and central banks’ intervention. His research focuses on the effects of unconventional monetary policy communication and changes in volatility. He is also a teaching assistant at IESEG School of Management.



Nicolas-Kirti Scholtes is a Ph.D candidate at the University of Namur and Catholic University of Louvain, affiliated to the project on Financial Complex SystemsHis current research focuses on the simulation of interbank networks and the application of tools from the complex systems and Agent-Based Modelling literature to understanding the motivations behind bank borrowing/lending behaviour as well as the influence/effectiveness of monetary policy transmission when these considerations are taken into account. His research interests include concepts pertaining to central banking, financial stability and the design and subsequent implementation of regulatory techniques within this framework
